CERN Accelerating science

Here you will find a series of articles and photos bringing you the latest news on the 60th anniversary celebrations.

Physics show at Manzoni theatre in Pistoia

The latest stage of "HIGGS ON TOUR" and "What I do not know", a two conference-show organised by the INFN as part of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of CERN, took place on Saturday, 15 February at the Teatro Manzoni in Pistoia (Tuscany - Italy). These sold-out events included, on stage, a dialogue with eminent researchers moderated by the well-known television presenter Patrizio Roversi, live video-conferencing with the CMS experimental hall and the ATLAS control room at CERN, and movies and performances by the bubble-artist Marco Zoppi.

A guided tour for students and the general public of the discovery of the Higgs particle and the still open questions which scientists hope to answer in the near future.

Photo Gallery (1)
Photo Gallery (2)

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60 more years of science for peace: carrying the message forward

At the end of 2013, we were just about to embark on a year of celebrations marking 60 years of science for peace at CERN. Our message was that science is an inescapable driver of peaceful relations among cultures and nations, a force for sustainability and a necessity in confronting the major challenges facing society today. Twelve months on, we can safely say that we’ve been successful in delivering that message. 

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