The June issue of the Danish magazine KVANT is devoted to CERN’s 60th anniversary
The June issue of the Danish magazine KVANT is devoted to CERN’s 60th anniversary. KVANT is a quarterly magazine published by the Danish Physical Society, Astronomical Society, Geophysical Society and Society for the Dissemination of natural Science. It usually comprises a collection of short articles written by Danish scientists that are of interest to teachers and to especially interested students in high schools and higher-education institutions.
The current issue of KVANT contains an introduction to CERN and five articles relating directly to the Laboratory and the physics of the LHC, including a historical overview, specific papers on the discovery of the Higgs boson and on the use of amplitude calculation in quantum field calculations relevant at the LHC, a report on possible future accelerators and an account of a school visit to CERN.
Written in Danish, this issue has brought the CERN60 event into the minds of many people in Denmark who have an interest in science.
The issue can be found here: